Sunday, September 22, 2013

International Adoption

"The de facto result (of in-country preference) is they would prefer to have the children in institutional life rather than intercountry adoption," Bartholet said. "The results are more developmental problems, more kids on the street and more cost to the government to institutionalize these kids." I agree with that statement, shutting down international adoption could be bad and good. The bad side of it is that more kids would be on the street and live in bad home situations but the good side of it is that nobody would be taken away from their parents when they don’t need to be. But to tell you the truth reading about Srey Powers and how once she got to America, she bonded with her adoptive mother about soccer, makes me think different about it being bad. 
"In every human endeavor, there is a chance for abuse," said Elizabeth Bartholet, director of the Child Advocacy Program at Harvard Law School, who adopted two children from Peru in the 1980s. Something to remember is that, there is good and bad in everything and you can’t expect everything to go smoothly. Of course we want to limit adoption when bad things happen but we could just accept it and change to make it harder for the kids that have parents to be taken. Do background checks and monitor things to make sure the adoption doesn’t become human trafficking. Eliminating it entirely could in the end cause more problems than it did when things went wrong.

“Smolin, along with many other experts and organizations -- including UNICEF and the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption -- believe that orphans being adopted from abroad should be a last-case scenario, with more emphasis placed on helping keep children in their home country, such as providing day care, foster care, better orphanages and more domestic adoption.” This could be true also but the people that have adopted from other countries have been fairly excite d to give them a better life and even when trying to do that without actually taking them away from their families could still not solve problems. The kids when put in the right home, will all in all be better off and respect the family that they have and be glad that they were taken away to have a better life. I wouldn’t be too pleased myself but given the situation, I would be happy in the end for the better life. I’m sure after that adjusting stage and growing up; adopted kids soon realize that this is for the better. Even Powers in the end visits with her grandma and her adoptive mother and watches her mother put her grandmother at ease makes her respect the life she has and the people in it.

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