Saturday, October 5, 2013

Legalization of drugs, causing addictions?
“The implications for a policy change to legalization -- should give us pause if we care about the dire consequences drug addiction has on society.”  I can see where everyone is coming from when they say legalizing different drugs could lead to more addictions and be hard on society. But if we were to limit everything because of the possible side effects then we wouldn’t have any of these types of drugs. I think that the legalization of marijuana wouldn’t make as many people become as addicted compared to tobacco, I’ve heard that specifically tobacco has stuff that makes it addictive in it. Nobody is bound to get addicted to anything, if you are a strong person you can control how much you have of anything. “Addictions” to me are things you enjoy doing and would have a hard time giving up but if you really wanted to, you could. Nobody is going to quit anything if they don’t want to, simply put.
“Legalization in the United States is likely to accompany a bombardment of promotion, similar to our other three classes of legal drugs.” I think that this is very true about companies promoting the use to get more addictive people to buy from them. However the people that become addicted don’t become addictive because of the tactics taken to advertise that. It could get them to get involved in the use of this newly legalized drug but everything is your own decision, it’s not like their shoving it down people’s throat. If prices are very high, it could potential reduce the sales to people who aren’t addicted and all that would be buying is addicted people which will show you that they want it so bad they are willing to pay it. But not everyone has that kind of mentality and you can’t change people that do have that mentality just like you can’t make a strong person become addicted because that isn’t their mind set.

“Interestingly, though, according to criminologist Mark Kleiman, if all drug prisoners were released tomorrow, we would still have four times the number of people in prison than our historical incarceration rate instead of five.” Even with all the problems with drug use, that isn’t the biggest problem in the world. Drug use doesn’t appear to cause other issues other than addiction and death if the users aren’t aware of the harm it can cause. We can blame that on them being not as informed as they should be when it comes to side effects. I think overall people will become addicted to things, legal or not. Not all addictions involve drugs either some can be worse than that. Any person will do whatever appeals to them regardless so the next step is questionable in any case.

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