“Suddenly, the teens' parents were gone and the Soza
children faced a frightening future with foster families and unfamiliar
schools.” I can’t even begin to imagine having to go through what these kids
have gone through with trying to find a family to live with now that their parents
have been deported. I also don’t understand why the U.S. would allow families
to have to separate like this and leave behind their kids with no kind of
goodbye before being departed. They were still in school and came home to an
empty house with no clue as to where they are but remember their mother being
taken away so put two and two together. Now they are hit with that sort of idea
that are stranded and stuck with foster parents and have to live a whole new
siblings represent America's young legal residents who are at risk for
long-term emotional trauma because of a system that doesn't deal with the
situation. About 5,100 U.S. children in 22 states have lost parents to
deportation, according to the Applied Research Center -- a 30-year-old racial
justice think tank. Some 15,000 more face similar threat in the next five
years.” This to me is so shocking but at the same time America doesn’t really
consider the kind of hurt they are doing to these kids. I’m sure if they
thought about their kids being stranded because of deportation and having to go
off and live a whole new life without their parents and unable to see them,
they would think differently about their decisions to deport these kids parents.
They can only connect them over phone which is crazy to me. I couldn’t imagine
not having my parents right now, because they are the only people in my life I can
truly trust to have my back and be there for me. I would be even more depressed
than I am now, along with most teenagers in high school going through drama at
school. And now they have nobody to vent to about it and nobody to show them
someone cares, this could even lead to a bigger problem already in the world,
suicide. Sure they have their foster parents but that is not the same as your
actually parents and family members.
to reunite with their parents, Cesia and Robert Jr. have considered moving to
Nicaragua -- an idea opposed by their father, who believes there's no future
for them there. The parents left Nicaragua in the 1980s because the government,
they said, was putting too much emphasis on political indoctrination and social
control.” It’s not like they can easily leave the U.S. if they wanted to. They would
leave many opportunities behind if they left, like their father has said. They barely
know anything about the culture and language in Nicaragua. It would be quite in
adjustment but it’s hard to cope without a parent. I think that I would do
anything to be with my parents but when it really came down to it you would
want to be in a better place that would be more suitable for a good and promising
future. Even if you are stuck with no sort of family, at least you have your
sibling that is going through the same exact thing but it isn’t the same
without your parents.
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